
来源:网络转载 2019-08-27 6007 人看过
亲爱的XX: 我真心的希望你可以参加我在本周六的生日派对,我们会度过一个愉快又记得回忆的晚上, 请柬 我们可以把酒畅谈,回忆我们曾经的往事与趣事,再次真诚的邀请你。 地址 亲爱的XX:我真心的希望你可以参加我在本周六的生日派对,我们会度过一个愉快又记得回忆的晚上,请柬我们可以把酒畅谈,回忆我们曾经的往事与趣事,再次真诚的邀请你。地址:XXXXXXXX时间:5月15日下午6点至晚上九点邀请人:xxxDear Li Hong,Next Monday is my birthday.I’m going to 请柬hold a birthday party at home in the evening.It will start at 7:30.Would you like to come?I’ve also invited some other classmates of ours and some of my friends. I live at Guangming Road.You can take No 23 or No 45 bus and get off at the top of Guangming Road.Then walk left for 50 metres.It’s a red house with a white door.You can’t miss it. 请柬I do hope you will come.Yours everLiu Mei更多喜帖吧内容推荐:生日最简短邀请函短信

